Friday, February 1, 2013

Keep Back 200 Feet

The last three feet of a 1964 Maxim Pumper has been sitting in my garage for at least 5 years now.  I had it chopped off the back of a truck ready to be scrapped on a cold winter day.  Chuck the welder thought I was out of my mind, until he heard about the 'fire cave' I was going to create for my man! Joe and I planned it out on napkins one night in a restaurant and started collecting pieces for his space.  The back side of this Pumper was to be the entertainment center complete with working lights and a back up alarm.  Well, as we all know life happens.  This amazing design that I expected to be completed by now is still in the infant stages.  It's almost like someone literally told me to 'Keep Back 200 Feet'.

We all have life moments of clarity. This week was one of them for me. 

Wednesday the Wallingford Fire Department laid to rest their brother, 26 year veteran Firefighter/Paramedic Rick Garrison, in an touching, impressive, and tasteful ceremony.  Rick's laugh was infectious, his smile was contagious and his amazing character was something many men strive to be.  His life was the Job, only second to his beautiful wife and family.  Rick knew how to live life to the fullest, always beaming, always caring and always believing the cup is 'half full'.

I can almost feel Ricks strong hand on my shoulder saying,
'Life's short finish that 'fire cave' for Joe, will ya?!'
Then with his soft tender eyes, he'd continue....
'First, I don't know someone more deserving'
and as his eyes grew wide, and a gentle deep laugh grows in his chest, he'd finish with....
'Second? Can you imagine how jealous the guys will be?!'

It's true, life is too short, we lost Rick much too early.  
Joe would love his own it's time to get started!  
Here's a sneak peak of what one wall in Joe's 'fire cave' will look like ... 
I'm putting it out there I need some serious strong backs to get this monster into the basement! 
Who's ready to help?! 

This weeks 'Friday for the Guys' is dedicated Wallingfords Bravest. 
 Thank you for all you do and Stay Safe out there!

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