Monday, August 11, 2014

Summer Inspiration

With the last few glorious days of summer upon us, it seems prime time to soak up what's left before the air goes crisp and the leaves turn red. 

One the reasons summer is my favorite season are the colors.
Orange lillies in bloom, red tomatoes ripening on the vine,
juicy blueberries begging to be picked off the bush.

I've found these fantastic colors of summer playing into my designs all season!

my studio space one day as I was waiting on a contractor to arrive to a job site!

It's easy when my clients live in such beautiful areas!! 

It is no secret that we love repurposing old things to make them new again! 
My favorite example of this has to be the old parsonage doors in my studio. 

These doors from the carriage house were slated for the town transfer station.
Today they have a new life in our Studio!

So, I've found a company that brings two of my great inspirations together!
 EchoChic creates stunning and colorful upscale furniture from reclaimed materials. 
They have both indoor and outdoor furniture in a variety of shapes and sizes. 

Originally drawing inspiration from pieces of fishing boats left over from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, EcoChic uses the bright wood from tropical fishing boats and iron from long gone bridges to bring this unique style to life. 
My favorite thing about it all, is that each piece is different! 

Be sure to check out the rest of their line here: EchoChic, and make sure to enjoy these last few weeks of summer!!