Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Rockin' 80's!

While the 80's were hot for toys, clothing, and pop culture, 80's home decor hasn't yetcome into its revival like past decades. However, it does invoke a sense of nostalgia. 

And of course, the hair.. 

Pastels, pastels, pastels! Pastels and stripes were both on trend. I love the stacked baskets at the end of the bed. It reminds me of the stacked suitcases that you sometimes see today. 

Why choose one color when you can have them all? 
This painted rainbow around the bed is a cute, creative touch. 

Pinks around this time tended towards the dusty mauve, along with the pastels. The dainty florals are also a stark contrast to the large prints from the 70's. 

Who ever was in the ruffled pillow business was very, very rich. 

There's nothing I love more (besides floral) than a cheesey lamp. This one takes that cake. 

Of course, I couldn't do a 80's post without throwing in some Ferris Bueller decor. Metal headboards were huge during this time, and this one is so cute!! 

That's it for this week folks!! Next week we travel to the 90's!!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Happy Spring!

It's finally here!! Tulips are sprouting, birds are chirping, and the sunshine is warm! 
We're so happy we could jump for joy.. much like these adorable Holsteins. 
I'm  taking a break from Ashley's teenage time travel to bring to you a few fun ideas for spring.

Just a little something to make you smile :-)

Nothing says spring to me more than the Forsythia bushes in bloom. Try filling your vases with wine corks, sliced lemons, or colored glass beads for a fresh effect. 

Speaking of lemons...
I love how this brings the sunshine in!

Nothing to fill those jars & vases? Lemons. 
They'll brighten up your kitchen and last a bit longer than flowers. 

Oranges and limes are also wonderful for adding bursts of color! 
These lidded hurricane jars are a staple for me in my sesonal decorating. 

Mason jars are one of my little design secrets. They're incredibly versitile!! 
I love the blue glass ones, but if non are to be found, they're also incredibly easy to paint with some fresh pastels. (Also very easy to paint old pasta sauce jars!)

I love this adorable moss terrarium idea. Perfect for a kitchen table or mantel top.  
Instead of tossing your bygone blooms in the compost heap because you think they won't flower again, wait for the leaves to die back naturally. Then, plant them in garden and feed them an organic fertilizer. (Narcissus and daffodil bulbs are more likely to respond, and bloom again)

Check back next week as Ashley continues our wild ride through the ages! 
(You won't want to miss our 80's decor!)