"Really, it is YOU that knows when I'm sleeping and when I'm awake, right?"
"There are just too many Santa's in the mall today! He can't be everywhere, I've seen more than two at once!"
"I think it was Uncle Joey wearing a Santa suite last year at Grandmas, Santa's beard was falling off and I'd know Uncle Joey's shoes anywhere!"
"There is NO way the fat man is fitting down the Chimney .... did you see how small that hole is?!"
My poor mother, she spent 3 months 'sshhing' me and protecting my younger sisters. She was persistent and had all the right answers, but I could be a handful. In the end how she didn't wring my neck is proof she's part saint.
As the years ticked away my doubt in the spirit of Santa Clause began to dwindle, and the magic returned. I've often looked at my fireplace and remembered looking into my childhood fireplaces with great anticipation of what this enchanting season will soon bring. It very well could be why I love decorating the mantel every year!
Personally my mantel has taken on many different identities over the years, I've had the reindeer theme, the winter village, the traditional greens and my most recent favorite.......nutcrackers!
Captivating mantels can be simple, whimsical, classic, wild and so much more! I've absolutely fallen in love with these ........
This mantel showcases antique heirloom ornaments. After loosing our tree twice one year, this display I would definitely consider. It is safer for the ornaments and keeps my anxiety to a low roar. Not to mention, the ornaments are out where you share their memories and tell their stories!

Here is a whimsical, naturally inspired twist on a holiday mantel design. Lemons, Kumquats, Clementines and Limes mixed with a few little silver ornaments creates an unexpected texture and coloration with these vibrantly colored fruits. The delicate touch of evergreens with their sharp fragrant and free form branches build the final perfect element for this exquisite design.
A few years ago I wrapped all my gifts in a white a red theme, not even a glimmer of green, gold, or sliver just red and white. I mixed stripes, polka dots, solids and other fun patterns. I loved the challenge of staying truly monochromatic, not to mention it was a refreshing new look. Here this transitional mantel display in red and white, is crisp, bright and is reminiscent of the youthful memories candy canes bring to life!
The same year I became briefly disenchanted with Santa, so did my neighbor Steven, also the oldest of his siblings. His Mom & Dad weren't ready for Steven to loose the magic. On Christmas Eve after the children were all nestled in their beds, Steven's dad went to work. On Christmas morning Steven made his way down the stairs without that typical extra Christmas morning bounce in his step, after all there was no Santa. To his surprise he found his mom livid, her hands on her hips, her face bright red grumbling about Santa being an absolute slob! Apparently when Santa arrived down the chimney, he must have been behind schedule. He didn't take the time to wipe his feet on the hearth rug, instead he just ran right out of the fireplace soot and all on his boots across Steven's moms white carpet. He did of course stop for a gulp of milk, which he spilled and a few bites of a cookie. Santa always took the carrots for the reindeer but this year one slipped out of his hand and landed in the fireplace. There was just enough question in Steven little head, that for a least one more Christmas he believed, after all his father would never ruin moms carpet, and leave spilt milk........only Santa could get away with that!
I raise my mug of cocoa and toast you, here's to you creating an enchanting holiday mantel and keeping the magic alive!
My collection of inspiring mantel designs continues on my Pinterest 'Holiday Mantels' join in the fun, share and comment on which ones are your favorites!
Next up.......Stockings!
Until we meet again...
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