On occasion I find that I need a tune up. You know, a little revisit with the soul, a re-evaulatation on how I'm doing as a mom, wife, friend, housekeeper, business owner and so much more. Some of those tune-ups don't require much thought or soul searching, just a good honest assessment of myself. Usually, I just need to remember the essentials, and I find myslef back in the saddle once more.
Ironically, the same goes for design. If I had a nickel for every time a client, friend, or even fellow designer said to me "I just don't know, this space feels like .... something isn't quite right...." I could buy that dream home in Watch Hill!
For the most part, when "something isn't quite right," I've discovered quite quickly that one of my "Five Design Must Haves" is probably missing ...
So here ya go, time for a tune up! Let's revisit the
Lamps help soften overhead lighting. In my Studio this lamp softens the light next to this reading chair . |
Lighting. Layer the lighting in your space. Never rely solely on overhead lighting! Wash the light over your walls with sconces if possible. Or, at the very least, use lamps to bring lighting down into a space. Use dimmers when ever possible, giving you the flexibility to create your own mood and atmosphere. I often find adding white lights to plant life is a great way to fill a dead corner and draw the eye around the room to create a warm, inviting environment. Imagine connecting the dots of light in your space. They should rise and fall throughout the space.... if they do, wallah! Success!
This itty bitty dinette space is an all-time favorite of mine! My client loved bringing the outdoors in with the large windows and of course plant life!! |
Life. Yes... it's amazing how plants can make a room feel alive! No worries, if you don't have a green thumb or an absolutely fear raising real plants, silk ones still do the trick. Plants give a completely different texture to your setting, and for the most part are an uncontrived element. One simple plant will do the trick for you, but like in lighting I personally like to add layers.
This amazing center piece on my steel table offers lots of layers of reflection! |
Bounce the light around your space! Mirrors, either in their traditional format or in furnishings are an obvious choice, but there are other chances to use relfection to your advantage! Add accessories with glass or mica chips, fabrics with metallic accents or even floating candles. Never fear to add a little sparkle, twinkle, glitz or glam.
Books are just for bookcases, while there are some displayed behind the desk, look around the room …. books have ventured out into the room! |
I know that many of us swore off books the day we graduated! Honestly, books bring a level of interest into spaces that is unexpected. They can be used in different applications too, try traditionally filling bookcases, or use them to raise lamps and small accessories. Have some fun, choose titles with a theme or choose binders by color. I personally just love mixing up the books with no rhyme or reason. Add some books ... I promise you'll have guests drawn into the space looking to see what you're reading!
Repetition & Variation
This custom bathroom I designed showcases repeating and varying many colors, textures and elements. Note the use of walnut accents with in the molding details |
This one is a basic design element. It was one of the first elements of design I learned when I entered art school. Repeat and Vary. With all of the above Must Haves, they are always more successful if repeated and slightly varied. Repeat the red fabric on your sofa in various different textures and applications, for example, a lamp shade, in a painting, splashed in pattern of the area rug or in the silk arrangement on the coffee table. Connect the dots again and make sure you make it around the room.
There ya go folks! Five Design Must Haves, make your check list and start critiquing your rooms!